The future of Getchell Library is in the hands of the Nevada State Legislature, which will decide whether to pay $10.5 million for renovations or allow the building to mothball.
The legislature will make its decision during its 2009 session. The plan calls for renovating 155,000 square feet of the existing 177,000. If the legislature approves the funding, renovation would start in 2010, said Stephen Mischissin, the interim vice president of facilities services department.
Getchell Library was built in 1962, and the building needs to be brought up to today’s building codes, he said.
The plan calls for a new sprinkler system, fire alarms, ramps and elevators in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, he said.
“They’re life and safety upgrades,” he said.
The University of Nevada, Reno submitted a Capital Improvements Project request to retrofit the library for another use to the Board of Regents, who sent it to the Nevada Public Works Board.
Paul Neil, director of the university core curriculum office, said the old library would be turned into a student services building and an informal learning space. Student Success Services, currently in the Thompson Student Services building, might move to the Getchell space.
The first floor of the old library would house student advising and the academic skills center, he said.
The Thompson building might be turned into an academic space. The philosophy department may move from E.J. Cain Hall to the Thompson building. The English department may extend its offices into the Thompson building.
The middle level of the basement may be removed and the space turned into rehearsal and studio spaces for the art department, Neil said.
Retrofitting the Getchell Library space will postpone the need for more expensive buildings, Ron Zurek, Vice President of Administration and Finance, said.
The renovations will cost about $58 per square foot, he said. A new building would cost between $400-$500 per square foot.
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